I'm using puppet to (theoretically) get npcd to start upon installation, however on Ubuntu, that service comes installed with the default setting in /etc/default/npcd of RUN="no":
$ cat /etc/default/npcd
# Default settings for the NPCD init script.
# Should NPCD be started? ("yes" to enable)
# Additional options that are passed to the daemon.
DAEMON_OPTS="-d -f /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg"
I would think that this block of puppet config would take care of things:
service { "npcd":
enable => true,
ensure => "running",
require => Package["pnp4nagios"],
But alas, it doesn't, and short of actually rewriting the file in /etc/default, I'm not sure what to do. Is there a straightforward way to enable the service that I'm not seeing?
For the record, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.2 and puppet version 3.1.0.