I have an OpenLDAP server on CentOS 7.8 and am trying to get the ppolicy overlay loaded. I'm attempting to load in the module with this command:
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ppolicy_load.ldif
and I get this error:
add olcModuleLoad:
modifying entry "cn=module{0},cn=config"
ldap_modify: Type or value exists (20)
additional info: modify/add: olcModuleLoad: value #0 already exists
The contents of ppolicy.ldif:
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcModuleLoad
olcModuleLoad: ppolicy
cn=module{0},cn=config.ldif contents:
dn: cn=module{0}
objectClass: olcModuleList
cn: module{0}
olcModulePath: /usr/lib64/openldap
olcModuleLoad: {0}back_bdb
olcModuleLoad: {1}syncprov
additional info:
ldapsearch of cn=module{0},cn=config yields the following:
# module{0}, config
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
objectClass: olcModuleList
cn: module{0}
olcModulePath: /usr/lib64/openldap
olcModuleLoad: {0}back_bdb
olcModuleLoad: {1}syncprov
olcModuleLoad: {2}ppolicy
The ppolicy schema was loaded. I also unfortunately applied the ppolicy overlay
dn: olcOverlay=ppolicy,olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcPPolicyConfig
olcOverLay: ppolicy
olcPPolicyDefault: cn=default,ou=policies,dc=mydomain,dc=com
and now, slapcat -n 0 yields the following error:
5ede54b5 UNKNOWN attributeDescription "OLCPPOLICYDEFAULT" inserted.
5ede54b5 config error processing olcOverlay={1}ppolicy,olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config:
slapcat: bad configuration file!
I assume this is due to the module not being properly loaded and now have a touch of a problem.
Can anyone provide guidance on how to get this working? I configured this on test servers that I derived from my main ldap server with no problem.