I'm in an environment with a serious lack of IPv4 addresses, but a whole lot of IPv6 addresses. I have all sorts of nice services going on on IPv6, among them MySQL replication. Now, I just want the 2 servers to have a single IPv4-address that can be reached by the outside world. I've tried the following config:
Running Keepalived v2.1.5 on Debian 11.
global_defs {
@server01 router_id server01
@server02 router_id server02
vrrp_instance vlan0 {
@server02 state MASTER
@server02 priority 110
@server01 state BACKUP
@server01 priority 100
interface eth0
virtual_router_id 123
@server02 unicast_src_ip 2000:4000:6000:8000::102
@server01 unicast_src_ip 2000:4000:6000:8000::101
unicast_peer {
@server01 2000:4000:6000:8000::102
@server02 2000:4000:6000:8000::101
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass secret
virtual_ipaddress { dev eth0
But that gives me the following errors:
(vlan0): address family must match VRRP instance [] - ignoring
(vlan0) No VIP specified; at least one is required
Is what I'm trying to do achievable? If so, how? Feels like I'm missing just a little detail...