I would like to make a certain user have a specific source IP address. For this purpose, I added a secondary IP address to the network interface and tried to enforce the source IP using ip6tables and policy routing. Summary:
- All IPv6-traffic gets routed via a IPv4 OpenVPN interface (tap0), the gateway is
. - If the user is
, the source address must be2001:db8::3
- Otherwise, the source address is
The default routes and addresses are set up as follows:
ip -6 addr add 2001:db8::2/112 dev tap0
ip -6 route add default via 2001:db8::1 src 2001:db8::2 dev tap0
For the someuser
router, I mark all outgoing packets and attempt to route those packets with a different source address by using a separate routing table. These are set up with:
ip6tables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner someuser -j MARK --set-mark 123
ip -6 rule add fwmark 123 table 1002
ip -6 addr add 2001:db8::3/112 dev tap0
ip -6 route add default via 2001:db8::1 src 2001:db8::3 dev tap0 table 1002
For some reason, all traffic still have the 2001:db8::2
source address. I can see that the ip6tables
rule is hit, but the source IP is still wrong. Verified with NFLOG target + Wireshark and with curl ip.appspot.com
Any ideas what I did wrong?