I have some RemoteApps that require all users to be logged out for a backup of the database to be able to be made. The issue is that sometimes a user will work very late and not log out.
When the person who's job it is to make the nightly backup goes into do that, they can not as those users are still flagged as active.
I have timeout policies in place for Idle Sessions via a GPO, but we have seen it where that doesn't take effect in time prior to the Backup Window.
I am looking for a solution where I can FORCE the users to be logged out at a certin point in time, to clear out the seats in the RemoteApp.
I understand I can set Logon Hours and then have a GPO enforce that, however, I have not gotten that work work within my world. I am not sure if it is due to the fact my end users are working in a RemoteApp or what.
Thank you.