I have a script that reads in data from mysql (the get_sql_results function below)
I then read in each line, parsing individual columns with awk.
Everything works fine except for the line that assigns the results of a mysql query via ssh to cmusername.
When this line is included, only the first line of the $results is read, and the script seems to
"escape" the while read loop, after it finishes its first iteration.
When I comment out the cmusername= line, it displays the multiple lines as I would expect.
Here's the main script:
new_results() {
printf %s "$results" |
while read -r line
accounttyperaw=$(echo -en "$line" | awk -F $'\t' '{print $5}')
accountstatusraw=$(echo -en "$line" | awk -F $'\t' '{print $3}')
accountname=$(echo -en "$line" | awk -F $'\t' '{print $4}')
datelastchange=$(echo -en "$line" | awk -F $'\t' '{print $8}')
cmuserid=$(echo -en "$line" | awk -F $'\t' '{print $9}')
accounttype=$( get_account_type $accounttyperaw )
accountstatus=$( get_account_status $accountstatusraw )
cmusername=$(ssh -p $mysqlport username@remotemysqlserver "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -hdb00 -udba -ppassword -N -e \"SELECT username from userapp.users where userapp.users.user_id rlike '$cmuserid'; \" ")
echo -en "$domainname\t"
echo -en "$accounttype\t"
echo -en "$accountstatus\t"
echo -en "$accountname\t"
echo -en "$datelastchange\t"
echo -en "$cmusername\t"
Edit - Solved:
ssh needed -n passed to it. see my answer below.