We have an Azure logic app that checks every five minutes for files on an external SFTP server. Sometimes the requests fail. The external party indicated that this might be because the SFTP sessions are closed only after two hours, while additional sessions are created every five minutes. The logic app only needs a few seconds to finish its tasks. How can we close the SFTP session to the external server directly after the logic app task has finished?
amigobrewbrew's questions
We are using an Azure logic app to integrate a third party API service with a D365FO instance. The third party supplied us with a public CA certificate file (crt) and a self signed certificate plus key file set (crt and key) to secure the connection.
Now there are instructions on MS docs how to apply the client certificate to a HTTP request to the API service. Although just using the client certificate will give us a TrustFailure error when running the logic app. This result also seems to be described in Microsoft docs:
At the same time we have also been provided a public (CA) certificate that might alleviate the issue, but we are unsure how to apply a CA certificate to an Azure logic app. Maybe the CA certificate is not necessary here at all, though. Could someone give us directions how to handle this?