Its standard practice to separate log and data files to separate disks away from the OS (tempdb, backups and swap file also) Does this logic still make sense when your drives are all SAN based and your LUNS are not carved of specific disk or raid sets -they are just part of the x number of drives on the SAN and the LUN is just space allocation
CPU_BUSY's questions
Please provide your tips and best practices for virtualizing SQL Server in VMWare ESX I am interested in advanced configurations and settings.
Please provide reasoning behind your recommendations
Edit: Just to clarify, I already have over 70 Virtual SQL servers in separate clusters using an ISCSI equallogic San -
What I am really looking for are those advanced configurations like:
How you configured your disks / RDM's
Do you make use of settings like Mem.ShareScanGHz - - that are not well documented