I have a really big csv ~260GB and I want to import it into MySQL. I use the following mysql script in MacOS
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_catpath_5;
create table tmp_catpath_5( a1 BIGINT(20),a2 BIGINT(20),a3 BIGINT(20),a4 BIGINT(20),a5 BIGINT(20), c1 BIGINT(20),c2 BIGINT(20),c3 BIGINT(20),c4 BIGINT(20),c5 BIGINT(20), INDEX (a5) );
load data local infile '/Volumes/Time Machine Backups 1/tmp_catpath_5.csv' into table tmp_catpath_5 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' ;
It works for smaller files e.g. 150GB, but for this size the database disappears immediately after the load command
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database
Is there a MySQL size limit? Is it something else? I use the MySQL from MAMP application (LAMP for MacOS), could it be different from the official MySQL application?