Let's say you have data with quantities in human-readable format, such as the output of du -h
, and want to further operate on those numbers. Let's say you want to pipe your data through grep to do a summation of a sub-set of that data. You do this ad-hoc on many systems you've never seen before, and have only minimal utilities. You want suffix conversions for all the standard 10^n suffixes.
Exists a gnu-linux utility to convert the suffixed numbers to real numbers within a pipeline? Do you have a bash function written to do this, or some perl which might be easy to remember, instead of a length of regex replacements or several sed steps?
38M /var/crazyface/courses/200909-90147
2.7M /var/crazyface/courses/200909-90157
1.1M /var/crazyface/courses/200909-90159
385M /var/crazyface/courses/200909-90161
1.3M /var/crazyface/courses/200909-90169
376M /var/crazyface/courses/200907-90171
8.0K /var/crazyface/courses/200907-90173
668K /var/crazyface/courses/200907-90175
564M /var/crazyface/courses/200907-90178
4.0K /var/crazyface/courses/200907-90179
| grep 200907 | <amazing suffix conversion> | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
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