I have a server connected to Azure Arc. Through Azure Arc I enabled Inside with Azure Monitor Client. The Azure Monitor Client collects the data.
Only there is no data displayed in Inside.
What can I do to show the data?
I want to create a certificate with letsencrypt.
When I run the this yml
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: grafana-tls
namespace: grafana
type: "kubernetes.io/tls"
secretName: grafana-tls
name: letsencrypt-prod
- mydomain.com
with kubectl apply -f .\grafana-tls.yml --validate=false
I encountered with the following error
Referenced "Issuer" not found: issuer.cert-manager.io "letsencrypt-prod" not found
But when I executed kubectl get clusterissuer
I encountered with this result
letsencrypt-prod True 3d22h
To deploy the cluster issuer, I used this config
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: letsencrypt-prod
namespace: ingress-basic
server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
email: myEmail
name: letsencrypt-prod
- http01:
class: nginx
I want to deploy grafana in my AKS kubernetes cluster. For deployment I use helm
helm install grafana grafana/grafana --namespace=grafana --set "service.type=ClusterIP,persistence.enabled=true,replicaCount=1,persistence.size=10Gi,persistence.accessModes[0]=ReadWriteOnce,plugins=grafana-azure-monitor-datasource\,grafana-kubernetes-app,ingress.enabled=true,ingress.tls[0]=enabeld,ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]=mydomain.de,ingress.tls[0].secretName=tls-grafana-ingress,ingress.hosts[0]=mydomain.de,ingress.annotations.kubernetes.io/ingress.class=nginx,ingress.cert-manager.io/issuer=letsencrypt-prod"
It can create grafana (when I remove "ingress.annotations.kubernetes.io/ingress.class=nginx,ingress.cert-manager.io/issuer=letsencrypt-prod
") but I have problems with the tls certificate.
The certificate will not cerate.
What I need to change, so the certifiacate will also create?
Regards Stefan
How can I log in to an Azure File Share (Azure Storage account with file sharing) with Azure AD credentials?
I would not like to deploy an Azure Domain Service.
Regards Stefan
I would like to be able to log into a VM in Azure using my Azure AD credentials via RDP. The login should be done over the internet from MAC and Linux clients (clients are not members in Azure AD). For security I use Just in Time Access. MFA is not activated Is this possible? How can I implement the project?
When I set it up, I get this message
Thanks for the support
I can find a lot tutorials on the web for setting up an reverse SSH tunnel.
ssh -p2000 -fNC -R 10011:localhost:[email protected]
But how I can become an SSH connection on my local server? I like to set up a connection from proxy(has a public IP) to localhost(which is in my home network) through the SSH reverse tunnel . I need to type from anywhere SSH commands on my localhost.
Thanks for your help Stefan
I have a cloud only environment. Virtual machines are connected via AAD Domain Services. How can I register these VMs in Azure AD. I would like to mount them in Intune.
thank you Stefan