Ok I have searched google for two days trying to get this to work. Here are the steps I have taken so far:
- Clean install of Ubuntu 10.10
- Install mysql 5.1 as well as admin
- Comment out the bind address in the config file
- Create a new database
- Create a new user that is username@% to allow remote connections
- Grant all access to this user to the new database EXCEPT the grant option
- Login on the server is ok using this new user and database on the localhost
- Login on the server is ok using this new user and database on the server internal network ip
- Login from a remote computer is ok using this new user and database using the internal network ip
- Login is not working when logging in with this username and database using the external ip address from the server or the remote computer.
- I have port forwarding enabled for this port and it is viewable from outside as confirmed by canyouseeme.org
I have nmap'd using the following command on the internal ip and get the below result:
nmap -PN -p 3306
Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-02-19 13:41 PST Nmap scan report for computername-System-Name ( Host is up (0.00064s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 3306/tcp open mysql
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.23 seconds
I have nmap'd using the following command on the internal ip and get the below result(I have hidden ip for obvious reasons):
nmap -PN -p 3306 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx
Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-02-19 13:42 PST Nmap scan report for HOSTNAME (xxx.xxx.xx.xxx) Host is up (0.00056s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 3306/tcp closed mysql
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.21 seconds
I am completely stuck here and need some help. I have tried everything under the moon and still can not connect from a remote external ip address. Any help is greatly appreciated and I need to do anything to help find the problem let me know and I will post the results here.