I'm looking into booting up into FAI from a CD (I don't want to setup a PXE boot server).
Is it possible to have FAI boot from a CD and use the mac address to determine what to install without having to select from the dropdown?
I'm looking into booting up into FAI from a CD (I don't want to setup a PXE boot server).
Is it possible to have FAI boot from a CD and use the mac address to determine what to install without having to select from the dropdown?
Basic idea of what I'm trying to do: I'd like to setup a virtual staging cluster for a website i'm working on. Ideally I'd like to make a change, fire up and deploy it to the virtual staging cluster, then bring down a sample of data from production so that I can throughly test before doing a production rollout. When I was done testing on the virtual staging cluster I'd like cluster to go away (ie- remove/delete the VMs so I can also test from fresh installs)
My ultimate goal: My goal is to automate the process of setting up and tearing down the entire virtual cluster. Eg- like running a script on the server hosting the VMs that would create or delete all the VMs. Does anyone know if this could be done with existing virtualization solutions? I'm also open to discussion and tips about how you or your organization does this.
fyi- If I can get that far the virtual servers should be able to bootstrap themselves anew with PXE and debians FAI, and then puppet will finish the setup job.
Is it possible to setup a linux box to act as a hub/switch between two interfaces? I have an ubuntu box connected wirelessly on wlan0. I'd like to connect up another machine to the ubuntu boxes eth0 and have the other machine use that connect AND be on the same network as the ubuntu box. Is this possible?
I recently installed java6 on my debian box. I went to use javac and noticed it wasn't installed. Eventually I figured out (after searching online) that javac is part of the java6-sdk package. This isn't the first time where I've know the command I want, but I don't know the package(s) it's in.
My question is- is there a way to on the command line to figure out what file belongs to what package(s)? So if I wanted to see what packages javac belonged to, it would list java6-sdk, java5-sdk, .. since they all contain javac.
I have a daemon I wrote in c/c++. i normally run ulimit -c unlimited before starting the daemon so if it segfaults I'll get the core file. Is there a way I can set the system to by default dump core files without having to specify the ulimit for each session? fyi- i'm rolling on debian.
I have a script which needs to be executed each minute. The problem is that cron is logging to /var/log/syslog
each time it executes. I end up seeing something like this repeated over and over in /var/log/syslog
Jun 25 00:56:01 myhostname /USR/SBIN/CRON[1144]: (root) CMD (php /path/to/script.php > /dev/null)
I'm using Debian.
My questions is: Is there any way I can tell cron not write this information to syslog every time?
Does it matter where I generate an SSL Cert? I'm creating a cert with godaddy and they are asking for a CSR. Does it matter if I generate the CSR on my local dev system or do I need to generate the CSR on the production server?
If I can do it locally: 1. are there any cert files I should backup? 2. and what files will I need to transfer to the production server?
** SOLVED ** - thanks everyone, it's working now. I had additionally mistyped the IPs of the dev boxes >_<
UPDATE 2- Ok, parse errors are gone and no more errors in syslog. I'm still unable to ping using dev1 but I can using the ip address. Any ideas? I updated /etc/bind/local-network (see below). My resolv.conf contains- nameserver
I do 'ping dev1' this and get- ping: unknown host dev1 and this will show up in syslog-
Jun 1 17:14:50 local-dns named[2892]: network unreachable resolving 'dev1/A/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53
Jun 1 17:14:51 local-dns named[2892]: network unreachable resolving 'dev1/A/IN': 2001:500:3::42#53
Jun 1 17:14:51 local-dns named[2892]: network unreachable resolving 'dev1/A/IN': 2001:503:c27::2:30#53
Jun 1 17:14:53 local-dns named[2892]: network unreachable resolving 'dev1/A/IN': 2001:500:1::803f:235#53
Jun 1 17:14:54 local-dns named[2892]: network unreachable resolving 'dev1/A/IN': 2001:500:2f::f#53
Jun 1 17:14:58 local-dns named[2892]: network unreachable resolving 'dev1/A/IN': 2001:7fd::1#53
Jun 1 17:14:59 local-dns named[2892]: too many timeouts resolving 'dev1/A' (in '.'?): disabling EDNS
Any ideas as how to diagnose further?
UPDATE 1- I see this error in my syslog: (i don't see where it would think the syntax is invalid)
Jun 1 16:19:08 local-dns named[2402]: dns_rdata_fromtext: /etc/bind/local-network:7: near eol: unexpected end of input
Jun 1 16:19:08 local-dns named[2402]: zone local-network/IN: loading from master file /etc/bind/local-network failed: unexpected end of input
I've been using /etc/hosts for a while now and it's getting a pain to manage. I'm interested in using BIND on a linux server for my LAN at home. I'd like to make it so any comp on my network can access the server 'dev1' and 'dev2' without having to set it up in a hosts file.
here are the ip mappings to my dev boxes- dev1 -> dev2 ->
i set the dns server to use
I've look at some resources online but i haven't been able to get it working quite yet. here's what I have so far-
This is what's in my /etc/bind/named.conf.local:
zone "local-network" {
type master;
notify no;
file "local-network";
and in /etc/bind/local-network:
@ IN SOA ns.local-network. ns.local-network. (
199802151 ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
28800 ; refresh, seconds
172800 ; retry, seconds
2419200 ; expire, seconds
86400 ; minimum, seconds
NS ns.local-network. ; Inet Address of name server
localhost IN A
ns IN A
dev1 IN A
dev2 IN A
Does that look right?
and then I once the dns server is setup I need to tell my router that does dhcp to use the internal dns server I just setup instead of my IPSs, so all the comps on the LAN use it--right?