UPDATE: Seems it was a fake email, so not really that urgent, but the questions are still valid.
So I received an email about a VPS I host (I'm a VPS hosting company, this is a customer VPS) being used for phishing sites, on both IPs for the VPS, and I'm wondering what to do. I tried setting local hosts file such that I'd be seeing their phishing site, but didn't seem to work, and no I didn't do it wrong :P
Anyway, that aside, at the moment I'm grepping the whole openvz directory for the particular domain, however nothing has come up.
So I guess what I'm wondering is:
- Is there some cool fancy tool I don't know about that lets you check if an IP:[port optional] answers to a vhost/domain? (maybe needs a 2nd question for that? :) )
- This VPS is running nginx, what should I be looking for (at the moment all I see is some proxy stuff to vk.com, maybe the phishing email I got is old?)
Any other advice.
cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf server { listen xxx.xxx.199.213:30; server_name redirectvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.213; proxy_pass http://vk.com:80; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.213:31; server_name redirectlvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.213; proxy_pass http://login.vk.com:80; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.213:32; server_name redirectmvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.213; proxy_pass http://m.vk.com:80; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.213:80; server_name redirectvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.213; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.214:30; server_name redirectvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.214; proxy_pass http://vk.com:80; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.214:31; server_name redirectlvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.214; proxy_pass http://login.vk.com:80; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.214:32; server_name redirectmvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.214; proxy_pass http://m.vk.com:80; } } server { listen xxx.xxx.199.214:80; server_name redirectvk; access_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_bind xxx.xxx.199.214; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass; } }
(also how did ladadada get the config post to look so nice, mine went all fubar :?)