I can't seem to get my scripts to sign in PowerShell. I have a valid code signing cert installed on my machine and run the following commands. Any suggestions?
PS C:\Users\u00\bin> $cert = @(Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My -codesigning)[0]
PS C:\Users\u00\bin> $cert | fl
Subject : [email protected], CN=contoso , OU=Operations, O=contoso,
L=Mayberry, S=Florida, C=US
Issuer : CN=contoso Intermediate CA1, DC=contoso, DC=com
FriendlyName : contoso
NotBefore : 7/20/2010 12:58:55 AM
NotAfter : 7/20/2011 12:58:55 AM
Extensions : {System.Security.Cryptography.Oid, System.Security.Cryptography.Oid, System.Security.Cryptography.Oi
PS C:\Users\u00\bin> Set-AuthenticodeSignature .\testsign.ps1 -Certificate $cert
Directory: C:\Users\u00\bin
SignerCertificate Status Path
----------------- ------ ----
UnknownError testsign.ps1
PS C:\Users\u00\bin> Get-AuthenticodeSignature .\testsign.ps1
Directory: C:\Users\u00\bin
SignerCertificate Status Path
----------------- ------ ----
NotSigned testsign.ps1