I have a web-based PHP email client (Roundcube) that I installed on a UNIX server, and right off the bat it produced this error:
Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS' in /path/to/file.php on line 134
It's this line of code:
$result[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS] = true;
Locally on my Windows installation it works fine, so I compared the two PDO classes with this:
<?php ReflectionClass::export('PDO');
property and some others weren't present on the live UNIX server. I did a quick patch by hardcoding the unknown value and it worked great, but I can't be sure there aren't more bugs (and we don't want to use a hacked version anyways).
The PDO class is definitely loaded, we actually needed to enable it in order to install Roundcube with the MySQL/PDO option in the first place. It seems like the live server's PDO class needs to be updated, I'm guessing? I do not have direct control over the live server, but I can give instructions to the guy who does. Can anyone help me figure out what must be done?
Here are the stats:
Local Windows Apache Server (working), PHP Version 5.3.8
PDO class debug output:
Class [ <internal:PDO> class PDO ] {
- Constants [86] {
Constant [ integer PARAM_BOOL ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_NULL ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_INT ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_STR ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_LOB ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_STMT ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT ] { -2147483648 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_ALLOC ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_FREE ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_EXEC_PRE ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_EXEC_POST ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_FETCH_PRE ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_FETCH_POST ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_NORMALIZE ] { 6 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_LAZY ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ASSOC ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_NUM ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_BOTH ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_OBJ ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_BOUND ] { 6 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_COLUMN ] { 7 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_CLASS ] { 8 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_INTO ] { 9 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_FUNC ] { 10 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_GROUP ] { 65536 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_UNIQUE ] { 196608 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_KEY_PAIR ] { 12 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_CLASSTYPE ] { 262144 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_SERIALIZE ] { 524288 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_PROPS_LATE ] { 1048576 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_NAMED ] { 11 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_PREFETCH ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_TIMEOUT ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_ERRMODE ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_SERVER_INFO ] { 6 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS ] { 7 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CASE ] { 8 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CURSOR_NAME ] { 9 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CURSOR ] { 10 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS ] { 11 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_PERSISTENT ] { 12 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS ] { 13 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES ] { 14 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_FETCH_CATALOG_NAMES ] { 15 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_DRIVER_NAME ] { 16 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES ] { 17 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN ] { 18 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES ] { 20 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE ] { 19 }
Constant [ integer ERRMODE_SILENT ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ERRMODE_WARNING ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer CASE_NATURAL ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer CASE_LOWER ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer CASE_UPPER ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer NULL_NATURAL ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer NULL_EMPTY_STRING ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer NULL_TO_STRING ] { 2 }
Constant [ string ERR_NONE ] { 00000 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_NEXT ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_PRIOR ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_FIRST ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_LAST ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_ABS ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_REL ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer CURSOR_FWDONLY ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer CURSOR_SCROLL ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY ] { 1000 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE ] { 1001 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND ] { 1002 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY ] { 1003 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS ] { 1004 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_IGNORE_SPACE ] { 1005 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY ] { 1006 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT ] { 1007 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA ] { 1008 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CAPATH ] { 1009 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CIPHER ] { 1010 }
Constant [ integer ODBC_ATTR_USE_CURSOR_LIBRARY ] { 1000 }
Constant [ integer ODBC_ATTR_ASSUME_UTF8 ] { 1001 }
Constant [ integer ODBC_SQL_USE_IF_NEEDED ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ODBC_SQL_USE_DRIVER ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer ODBC_SQL_USE_ODBC ] { 1 }
- Static properties [0] {
- Static methods [1] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> static public method getAvailableDrivers ] {
- Parameters [0] {
- Properties [0] {
- Methods [16] {
Method [ <internal:PDO, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- Parameters [4] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $dsn ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $username ]
Parameter #2 [ <required> $passwd ]
Parameter #3 [ <optional> $options ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method prepare ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $statment ]
Parameter #1 [ <optional> $options ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method beginTransaction ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method commit ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method rollBack ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method inTransaction ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method setAttribute ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $attribute ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $value ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method exec ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $query ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method query ] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method lastInsertId ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <optional> $seqname ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method errorCode ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method errorInfo ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method getAttribute ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $attribute ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method quote ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $string ]
Parameter #1 [ <optional> $paramtype ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> final public method __wakeup ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> final public method __sleep ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Live UNIX Apache server (not working), PHP Version 5.3.18
PDO class debug output:
Class [ <internal:PDO> class PDO ] {
- Constants [77] {
Constant [ integer PARAM_BOOL ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_NULL ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_INT ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_STR ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_LOB ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_STMT ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT ] { -2147483648 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_ALLOC ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_FREE ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_EXEC_PRE ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_EXEC_POST ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_FETCH_PRE ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_FETCH_POST ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer PARAM_EVT_NORMALIZE ] { 6 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_LAZY ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ASSOC ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_NUM ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_BOTH ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_OBJ ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_BOUND ] { 6 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_COLUMN ] { 7 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_CLASS ] { 8 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_INTO ] { 9 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_FUNC ] { 10 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_GROUP ] { 65536 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_UNIQUE ] { 196608 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_KEY_PAIR ] { 12 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_CLASSTYPE ] { 262144 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_SERIALIZE ] { 524288 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_PROPS_LATE ] { 1048576 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_NAMED ] { 11 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_PREFETCH ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_TIMEOUT ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_ERRMODE ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_SERVER_INFO ] { 6 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS ] { 7 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CASE ] { 8 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CURSOR_NAME ] { 9 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_CURSOR ] { 10 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS ] { 11 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_PERSISTENT ] { 12 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS ] { 13 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES ] { 14 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_FETCH_CATALOG_NAMES ] { 15 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_DRIVER_NAME ] { 16 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES ] { 17 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN ] { 18 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES ] { 20 }
Constant [ integer ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE ] { 19 }
Constant [ integer ERRMODE_SILENT ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ERRMODE_WARNING ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer CASE_NATURAL ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer CASE_LOWER ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer CASE_UPPER ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer NULL_NATURAL ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer NULL_EMPTY_STRING ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer NULL_TO_STRING ] { 2 }
Constant [ string ERR_NONE ] { 00000 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_NEXT ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_PRIOR ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_FIRST ] { 2 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_LAST ] { 3 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_ABS ] { 4 }
Constant [ integer FETCH_ORI_REL ] { 5 }
Constant [ integer CURSOR_FWDONLY ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer CURSOR_SCROLL ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY ] { 1000 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE ] { 1001 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND ] { 1002 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_READ_DEFAULT_FILE ] { 1003 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP ] { 1004 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ] { 1005 }
Constant [ integer MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY ] { 1006 }
- Static properties [0] {
- Static methods [1] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> static public method getAvailableDrivers ] {
- Parameters [0] {
- Properties [0] {
- Methods [16] {
Method [ <internal:PDO, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- Parameters [4] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $dsn ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $username ]
Parameter #2 [ <required> $passwd ]
Parameter #3 [ <optional> $options ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method prepare ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $statment ]
Parameter #1 [ <optional> $options ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method beginTransaction ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method commit ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method rollBack ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method inTransaction ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method setAttribute ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $attribute ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $value ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method exec ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $query ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method query ] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method lastInsertId ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <optional> $seqname ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method errorCode ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method errorInfo ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method getAttribute ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $attribute ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> public method quote ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $string ]
Parameter #1 [ <optional> $paramtype ]
Method [ <internal:PDO> final public method __wakeup ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:PDO> final public method __sleep ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Here are links to pasties of the php.ini file (content was too large go to add to this post): Part 1, Part 2
What's the minimum we need to do to get these missing properties into the live server's PDO library? Actually, what is even going on here, why are they so different?