I have a web service which does quantitative model checking and an Axis2 client which calls the web service. The web service can take a lot of time (more than a minute). The client works fine when the model is small and service takes less than 30 seconds. But when I call the web service with a larger model I get the AxisFault exception with the message "Read Timed Out". This happens about 30 seconds into the call. Is there a way I change this timeout time to a larger value.
Rohit Agarwal's questions
What are the steps to convert an Amazon EBS backed AMI to an Eucalyptus EMI? Can we even do that? What are the steps to convert an Amazon instance store AMI to an Eucalyptus EMI?
I want to run some experiments on my laptop and on EC2. I want to choose the instance which is closest to my laptop in configuration. I have a laptop with Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. But my operating system is 32 bit so only ~2.9 GB is usable. Which one of the EC2 instance (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/) is closest to my laptop? Memory is easy to compare apples-to-apples but I am not sure how one EC2 compute unit stack up against my P8600 processor. (On EC2 also, I would run a 32 bit OS)