We have an existing web application at www.example.com. The marketing team has a hosted Drupal instance at marketing.example.com. Is there a reverse-proxy solution that would allow me to serve up the marketing content from www.example.com/marketing?
I would like to do this with networking infrastructure changes only; ie NOT changing either the marketing site base url configuration, or adding code to www.example.com.
In Varnish, I can do something like:
if (req.url ~ "^/marketing/") {
set req.host = "marketing.example.com";
set req.url = regsub(req.url, "^/marketing/", "/");
However, marketing.example.com is serving up HTML with absolute links like "/blog", that now need to be updated to "/marketing/blog". Could the reverse proxy re-write these links, but keep asking the marketing backend for "/blog"?
Again, I don't want to change the configuration of the marketing site to respond to the new URL format itself. I want the reverse proxy to handle all that.
Right now we're using Varnish, but I'm open to other solutions.