I am looking for a way to back up my Brocade FC switch configs (including zoning!). Does anyone have commands or automated methods that they use for this?
JakeRobinson's questions
I am looking for Rancid scripts for my Brocade 5100s. Does anyone have a secret stash they would be willing to share?
I have a lot of virtual machines running various windows and linux operating systems, and various apps (eg MS-SQL) that I need to audit/keep track of.
The catch: Some of these machines are on isolated networks, no internet access, no management access.
The good news: I have full access to the virtualcenter server and can leverage the APIs to invoke scripts on the guest OS.
I don't necessarily NEED to know the productID/key used, but that would be a bonus..
So, How do I audit the licenses in my virtual environment where I may not have network access to the VMs?
Thanks in advance!
I would like to use the "run once" feature in VMware's guest customization scripts to run an interactive script to further customize the guest OS (ie SNMP community, DNS suffix, add local user/pass). It must be an interactive prompt because the values can be different per VM. I am not joining these to a domain.
Has anyone tried this before or have a good resource for customizing W2k3 via script?