I'm trying to communicate from the tx.py program to send packets (UDP) down to device 1 and device 2 shown in the picture. Currently we have OpenVPN clients running on 2 of our VMs and if I run tx.py on those vms I can communicate fine to each device that is connected to that vpn tunnel (so from vm2 I can reach device 1, but not device 2).
I want to be able to route from vm1 so that I can send to device 1 or device 2 from this central location. I tried adding a route on vm1 to device 1 (via VM 2) like route add -net netmask gw dev eth0
but was still not able to receive packets on Device 1. Also tried toggling ip forwarding on for both vm1 and vm2 but this didn't fix it.
What is the way to do this?
Note that I don't need to communicate back up from the devices to vm1.
Note: I don't control the openVPN servers and cannot change configs there.