I've long been a fan of site specific DNS domains (e.g. <site>.company.com). With AD, having a separate domain means an extra pair (for redundancy) of DCs which seems excessive (in cost and complexity) in small environments.
As a result, in my previous company we had a single AD domain but two DNS domains. This worked out pretty well but it also meant including the sitename in the Windows servers names (e.g. <site>name) which gives a redundant FQDN: <site>name.<site>.company.com (The reason for this is that, obviously, you can only have a single AD computer called "name" within a domain. [Yes, technically you can have one per OU but in practice the NetBIOS/pre2000 name prevents this from being practical.])
The answer then seems to be to give up site awareness in the DNS domain which may not be such a big deal with Windows (given that AD has subnet based site-awareness) but still seems wrong to me.
So, what do you do?
Also, if you have multiple AD domains,
- where do you put your user accounts?
- where do you locate your company.com DCs?
- what else should I be thinking about?