I have following batch script:
copy \\remotehost.ip\c$\dumps\TEST_%date%.dmp C:\dumps\TEST_%date%.dmp
sqlplus sys/password as SYSDBA @C:\dumps\recreate_test.sql > C:\dumps\recreate_test.log
timeout /t 10
impdp system/password@sid schemas=TEST,TEST_VIEW directory=dumps_dir dumpfile=TEST_%date%.dmp logfile=impdpTEST_%date%.log
It copy sql dmp file from remote host in the same network. Then run script that recreate users in database:
shutdown immediate;
startup restrict;
drop user TEST cascade;
drop user TEST_VIEW cascade;
create user TEST identified by password;
create user TEST_VIEW identified by password;
grant all privileges to TEST;
grant all privileges to TEST_VIEW;
EXEC DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema(schema => 'TEST');
EXEC DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema(schema => 'TEST_VIEW');
shutdown immediate;
Then run import script. All this SQL have got log files and it seems everything runs good. I have got some errors during import, but they just told me that user already exists (ORA-31684
) and import everything in this existing user and also got ORA-39082
error, which was meant to be fixed with DBMS_UTILITY
(yes, I see my error here, but it's not the point) later.
I run it with highest privileges. System administrator allowed me to check option Run whether user is logged on or not
and option Do not store password
. It has 0x5 code even if I run task manually selecting Run
from dropdown menu in Task Scheduler.
Why my task ends with 0x5 error code if everything runs good? I've seen logs, they're good.