I have a FreeBSD10 host with bhyve and the following IP-configuration in rc.conf:
ifconfig_igb0="inet X.X.X.146 netmask broadcast X.X.X.255"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm igb0 up"
The tap device gets added via the vmrc scripts.
I have another IPv4 Address from my hoster which is in another subnet: Y.Y.Y.176
The hoster gives me the following guide to configure bridged-networking with this IP: Bridged Networking
According to this guide I configured the guest (FreeBSD10) like this (the hoster provides me with a "virtual MAC" for the IP):
ifconfig_vtnet0="inet Y.Y.Y.176 netmask ether 02:00:00:8c:46:32"
static_routes="net1 net2"
route_net1="-net X.X.X.254/32 Y.Y.Y.176"
route_net2="default X.X.X.254"
Before starting the VM I setup the bridge like this:
ifconfig bridge0 addm igb0 addm tap0 up
with tap0
being the "host-side" of the VMs network adapter.
This does not work. I can't reach the gateway from within the VM and I can't reach the host from the VM. This makes sense to me, because there are no routes. It's unclear how this could even work.