I'm using Foreman for RedHat 6.0 booting over ipxe (but that shouldn't matter ;)
The kernel parameters used for booting are:
kernel ks=https://puppet.at.internal/unattended/provision ksdevice=bootif network kssendmac
When anaconda tries to load the KS file it gives me this error:
Error downloading https://puppet.at.internal/unattended/provision: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
Unfortunately google is as helpful as the Redhat docs - there's no information on how to turn off SSL verification :( Since I am using at.internal as domain I also cannot get an official certificate but, due to the company restrictions i must use https...
It would be also okay if it would be possible to add the CA (or certfile) as a bootcmd.
Thanks in advance for your help!