I am an absolute beginner with Icinga and I have already tried several desperate attempts at finding a solution to it. After finally bringing check_snmp_int.pl to give me performance data I've tried to provide this data to JasperReports and Graphite. I've googled several desperate hours but couldn't find any answer. I can't seem to find where check_snmp_int.pl saves it's data for performance checks.
I'm working on: Ubuntu 14.04 Icinga2 version:r2.5.4-1 IcingaWeb2 version 2.3.4
I have already installed the plugin check_snmp_int.pl.
object CheckCommand "check_snmp_int" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [PluginDir + "/check_snmp_int.pl"]
arguments = {
"-H" = "$snmp_address$"
"-C" = "$snmp_community$"
"-p" = "$snmp_port$"
"-2" = {set_if = "$snmp_v2$"}
"-o" = "$snmp_oid$"
"-f" = {set_if = "$snmp_perf$"}
"-w" = "$snmp_warn$"
"-c" = "$snmp_crit$"
This is the service I have implemented with the plugin.
apply Service "bandbreitenueberwachung" {
check(unknown) at 12:40 ..._int"
check_interval = 5m
assign where host.vars.os == "Switch"
tldr: where does check_snmp_int.pl save data and where does it retrieve it's data so I can use them in IcingaWeb.
Thanks David.